Vishnu's Couch Yoga Studio
Mindful Yoga
The approach of Mindful Yoga is based on the empirical principle that the mind is the precursor of the body; what the mind commands, the body does. So the principle tool of Mindful Yoga is the mind, or awareness.
Mindful Yoga encourages present moment awareness of every aspect of our practice, using the power of the mind to integrate all aspects of our individual life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Its goal is the deliberate recreation of our individual self in our grandest vision and highest ideal — to express the divinity within us. Conscious Awareness and the power of intention are the primary tools of Mindful Yoga, along with all the eight limbs (Ashtanga ) of Classical Yoga, including:
Guided relaxation (pratyahara)
Meditation (dhyana),
Breathing (pranayama), and
Gentle Postures (asanas.)
Yoga is both a philosophy and practice to restore balance to the psychology (mind,) physiology (body,) and emotions by re-establishing the natural functioning and integraton of these with the individual soul, setting the stage for ultimate reunification with Universal Soul or the Divine Being. Yoga literally means “union”, and its ultimate goal is union with the Divine. This is the goal of mindful yoga, to remember and express the Divine within us.
See the accompaining PDF file for more information on Mindful Yoga.